CLIENT: VOICES Slate (Local 21 Union member slate)

PROJECT: Logo, brand and website design

COMPANY: Daughters of Rosie

PROJECT: Social cause awareness campaigns (Pride, Black Women’s Equal Pay Day, Essential Workers)

COMPANY: Daughters of Rosie

PROJECT: Product launch campaign: “The Daughters of Rosie List of Job Seekers”

COMPANY: SMASH, the signature STEM education program of the Kapor Center

PROJECT: Scholar and staff recruitment collateral

COMPANY: SMASH, the signature STEM education program of the Kapor Center

PROJECT: Promotional material for Impact Awards event, showcasing rebrand

CLIENT: Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) SF Chapter, Diversity + Inclusion Committee

PROJECT: Event collateral for email and social

PRSASF - D&I- Google Chat (updated 02.27.17).png
Millennials @Work Flyer.png